Hey friends! It hard to believe we're headed into the last month of our master's degree program. I've been so busy I haven't really had time to reflect on this matter. This semester has been even busier than the last semester. In addition to keeping up with work for class, I've also tried to study for the MCAT I will be taking this upcoming summer. So even when I have free time, its not really "free" because there's always more you can do for the MCAT. However, I still make it a priority to squeeze in some volunteering and give back. I didn't get the chance to help out much last month, but this month I made sure to do 9 hours at the KIPP School.
Since I've spent more time at KIPP, I've had the chance to interact with some of the kids. They truly have an eclectic set of personalities. Some are shy and refuse to make eye contact, while others are confident and boldly introduced themselves with swagger. It was adorable! I've always been fascinated by the way personalities are shaped through a complex interaction of genes and environment. Its difficult to parse out what is the more dominant factor. In the sample size I have observed, the kids mostly come from the same socioeconomic background. However, I have no way of knowing their familial situation at home and how that might play into their personality. Regardless, I can't wait to get to know and understand these children more and do what I can to help them reach their goals. Until next time!
Total hours for the semester: 12